Joblink Somalia

Consultant-Migrant Protection Assistance(MPA)

negotiable Expired 5 years ago
This job has expired.






CTG support and manage humanitarian projects in fragile and conflict-affected countries around the world. With past performance in 15 countries – from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Asia and Central and South America – we offer a holistic fabric of project management, implementation and support. Skilled in emergency response to crises such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, we have the ability to act quickly (crisis response teams can be on the ground in 24 hours) and to establish structured operations in high-risk environments. CTG recruit and manage qualified, skilled teams with extensive experience operating in challenging conditions.


Objective: Support in establishing and operationalize the Migration Response Centre in Mogadishu through assessments and establishment of SOPs and referral pathway

Target: Migration Response Centre facility in Mogadishu

IOM Project to which the Consultancy is contributing:

Launched in October 2019 with funding from the Migration Resource Allocation Committee (MIRAC) ,the project ‘Strengthening capacity to respond to the needs of vulnerable migrants in migrant response centres (MRCs) in the East and Horn of Africa’, seeks to enhance the IOM regional response to mixed migration flows in the Horn of Africa through strengthening the capacity of Migration Response Centres (MRCs) to identify, refer and provide direct assistance to vulnerable migrants. The proposed project builds on and complements the work begun under the EU-REINTEG programme ‘FLASH’ and will be further harmonised and substantiated through the EU-IOM Joint Initiative (JI) for Migrant Protection and Reintegration Programme, funded by the European Union Trust Fund (EUTF) for a more robust approach to responding to mixed migration dynamics in the region.

In the framework of this programme, IOM jointly with the Benadir Regional Administration and the Federal Government of Somalia, intends to operationalize a Migration Response Centre (MRC) in Mogadishu, Hamarweyne district. The overall purpose of the MRC is to serve as a one-stop point for vulnerable returnees and transiting migrants, including victims of trafficking (VOTs), in need of information and protection related services. The MRC is to provide its clients with direct assistance, information, counselling and referrals, where needed. The MRC will also play a role in promoting the sustainable reintegration of those assisted with Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR). The construction of the building has been completed and this consultancy, under the Department for Migrant Protection and Assistance (MPA), will serve to make the necessary preparations for its operationalization.


Role objective:

Task to be performed Tangible/measurable outputs Delivery Date

  • Define the MRC clientele through a target group analysis, in consultation with government stakeholders (at FGS, Regional and District level), local community leaders, persons assisted through the JI as well as relevant CSOs and private service providers. This can include focus group discussions facilitated by the IOM team.

Assessment Report Week 2-3

  • Carry out a rapid assessment of concrete service needs, mapping of the services available and identification of concrete services that can be provided through the MRC or partner agencies (including capacity development needs of the service providers). This can be done in parallel with the above assignment and in consultation with the same stakeholders. Particular attention should be paid to particularly vulnerable groups, such as children, Victims of Trafficking, survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence and persons with disabilities.

Assessment Report Week 2-3

  • Draw up a matrix of services to be provided at the MRC, including on information sharing, counselling, as well as referrals to other service providers and government institutions.

Service Matrix Week 2-3

  • Based upon the above consultations, and in close coordination with the Benadir Regional Administration, draw up the mandate of the MRC as well as Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). The SOPs should constitute a specific guideline on the day-to-day operation and service delivery by the centre. It should also detail the referral pathways and specific processes that will be followed in providing all the necessary services, with clearly identified responsibilities of the MRC staff.

SOPs and Referral Pathway Week 4-6

  • Support the MPA Team in drawing up the institutional staffing structure of the MRC, in collaboration with the Benadir Regional Administration (BRA), including looking at joint running modalities between IOM and the BRA.

Staffing structure Week 4-6

  • Outline the potential coordination and cooperation between MRC/BRA and Federal Government of Somalia, establishing documented pathways and areas for cooperation.

Pathways and cooperation Week 4-6

  • Support the MPA Team in drafting a Project Implementation Agreement (PIA) with the BRA on running the MRC, including the development of a budget.

Draft PIA Week 4-6

  • In coordination with MPA Team, draw up a plan for outreach and awareness raising sessions to be carried out jointly by MRC and IOM staff, in accordance with the identified target groups and their needs.

Outreach and Awareness Raising Plan Week 4-6

  • Carry out a 1-week training workshop and the SOPs for identified MRC staff.

Roll out of workshop Week 7

  • Submit a full report with findings and all previously mentioned documents and facilitate a presentation for IOM, BRA and the Federal Government of Somalia.

Report Week 8

Project reporting:

Project Manager

Team management:

Not required



§ Master’s degree in Political, Social Science, International Relations, Law, Labour relations and/or Bachelor’s degree in Political, Social Science, International Relations, Law, Labour relations.

Work experience:

§ Minimum of 7 years of demonstrable relevant Migration experience and/or minimum of 7 years of demonstrable relevant Training experience.

Geographical experience:

§ Minimum of 7 year of experience in Africa (essential).


§ Fluency in English and Somali are essential.

Key competencies:

· Master’s degree in Political, Social Science, International Relations, Law, Labour relations, or a related field from an accredited academic institution with five years of relevant professional experience.

· University degree in the above fields with seven years of relevant professional experience.

· Experience in Migration Governance, Migration Management, Migration and Development – in particular in the realm of response or transit centres, direct assistance to vulnerable migrants, return migration and human trafficking;

· Experience on institutional-capacity building;

· Knowledge of East and Horn of Africa, and the migratory patterns and flows in Somalia in particular;

· Experience in implementation and monitoring programme activities, specifically direct assistance;

· Experience in designing and carrying out specialized trainings to government stakeholders and local authorities specifically on migrant protection.

· Strong computer skills, specifically hands-on experience in usage of MS Office.

Other relevant information:

To be advised


Interested candidates should create a profile and apply on CTG careers website through the link below:…

Please refer to the vacancy number: VAC-3045. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.


Mogadishu, Somalia
This job has expired.