Joblink Somalia

Project Evaluation- Mogadishu

negotiable Expired 4 years ago
This job has expired.







Call for tender

Consultant or Consultancy to conduct an end of project evaluation on projects “Supporting National and Local Reconciliation in Somalia” and “Support to the implementation of key provisions of the National Reconciliation Framework”

Position Title:

Project Evaluator

Duty Station:


Contract period

1.8.-30.9.2020, estimated 20 working days

1. Background

FCA is Finland’s biggest development and humanitarian co-operation organization and the second biggest organization working in Humanitarians aid. FCA operates in 15 countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East and is specialized in three thematic priority areas: The Right to Peace (R2P), Right to Livelihood (R2L) and Right to Quality Education (R2QE). FCA Somalia began its reconciliation interventions in Somalia in 2007 through consultations with Somali traditional and religious leaders, which resulted implementation of a Peace Initiative Programme in Somaliland and Puntland in 2008. Through the success of the project, FCA Somalia expanded its operation to South Central of Somalia in 2013, evolving from community level peace building initiatives to state building and state formation interventions at FGS and FMS levels. FCA Somalia has also facilitated the state formation process between 2014 and 2015 which resulted the formation of Galmudug State. It also supported the establishment and election of district councils, which led to an inauguration of two new councils of South West State of Somalia, Hudur in October 2017 and Berdale in early 2018, in accordance with the Wadajir Framework on Local Governance. The process has seen the election of two female district councilors for Berdale among the 21 elected district councilors. FCA Somalia is currently implementing a four-year project on strengthening local governance structures for more accountable and inclusive FMSs in support of the Wadajir National Framework.

The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers (the Network) was founded in 2013 as a concrete response to the growing awareness among peace mediation organization and the United Nations, that religious and traditional actors are vital, but underutilized, actors in peacemaking processes. Since its founding, the Network has grown into a community of peacemakers ranging from grassroots religious and traditional actors to international NGOs, think tanks, and academic institutions. The Network strengthens peacemaking through collaboratively supporting the positive role of religious and traditional actors in peacebuilding processes and through connecting them to national and international peace builders. Since its founding, the Network Secretariat has been hosted by FCA. From 2007-2014, the work of FCA Somalia and the Network has contributed to solving of 25 major conflicts in Somalia and enabled 18 peace processes to come about. Additionally, the current Head of the Network Secretariat was seconded as an advisor for Minister of Reconciliation during 2011-2012. This cooperation contributed significantly to the selection of a more widely recognized Somalian parliament in 2012.The Network has also conducted research on peacebuilding and conflict prevention in Somalia and in 2017, the Network was selected as one of the contributing organizations for UN publication on peace and reconciliation designed to inform policy-makers working in and for Somalia and eventually published as chapter in the UNSOM-edited book “War and Peace in Somalia” in late 2018.

2. Description of the projects

The Network and FCA Somalia have been supporting the Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation (MoIFAR) of Somalia in development of National Reconciliation Framework (NRF) since 2017. The project phase I Supporting National and Local Level Reconciliation in Somalia started in April 2018 with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and was concluded in July 2019. The second phase of the project Support to the implementation of key provisions of the National Reconciliation Framework started in August 2019 and continues until end of September 2020. As a result of the project first phase, the draft of the NRF was successfully developed through extensive consultations with more than 700 state and non-state actors in all federal member states (FMS) and Banadiir Regional Administration. The NRF was validated in a national conference in Mogadishu between in February 2019, with participation of around 300 actors from Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), FMS’s governments and civil society across the country and approved by the Cabinet ministers in March 2019. The NRF proposes several interventions, activities and policy recommendations under its five-pillar structure, which are in line with the Network and FCA Somalia’s mission and programme and form the basis for this proposal. The second phase supports the effective operationalization of the NRF at national and Federal Member State (FMS) levels as well as at selected local level contexts through support to the capacity development of MoIFAR to effectively coordinate and monitor the implementation of NRF in collaboration with FMSs and other facilitating partners. The project empowers local peacemakers, and especially women peacemakers, in mediating local conflicts and supports Forgiveness media campaign and events including production and dissemination of documentaries on forgiveness to promote and advance community level peace and reconciliation. The project will also contribute to the dissemination of the NRF and publication of the framework document for the wider public.

The project is implemented in close partnership with MoIFAR and FMS authorities to strengthen the Somali ownership and government leadership. A strong collaboration and coordination between different stakeholders and the existing forums, such as the NRF Steering Group, Group of Friends of Reconciliation and Sub-working Group on Stabilization, Federalism and Reconciliation are utilized to attract more actors to support NRF operationalization and to ensure the effective coordination.

Specially, the project intends to promote inclusive and sustainable peace in Somalia through i) increased trust in government institutions and structures for effective operationalization of NRF, ii) improved transformative community relationships in target region to promote bottom-up approach towards the increase in social interaction and cohesion, and increased awareness on interdependency, unity and appeal to common shared future through media campaigns.

The project benefit the following target groups and beneficiaries:

• Government officials from MoIFAR in FGS, line ministries of FMGs and regional administration will directly benefit from the capacity building, mentorship and other technical support by seconded international experts to support NRF implementation as well as the workshops and development of tools on NRF coordination and monitoring.

• Traditional and religious leaders will be actively and specifically engaged to lead community and local lever reconciliation, mediation and conflict management in the target areas.

• Female leaders, peacemakers and mediators and youth from various communities will benefit from the inclusive approach to all project activities and increased access and participation in national, FMS and local level reconciliation processes

• Media professionals’students and peace activist will benefit from the trainings and capacity-building of the Forgiveness campaigns.

• Other key target groups are policy makers, other government officials, civil society organizations, community members, academic institutions, business groups, youth groups, and women groups from FGS and target FMS participating in coordination meetings, reconciliation conferences, forgiveness ceremonies and peacebuilding platforms.

3. Purpose of the evaluation.

The evaluator will carry out the evaluation for the project phase I (2018-2019) and II (2019-2020) during the final months of the phase II implementation to assess how adequately the project has achieved its stated objectives as well as to determine the nature and extent of impact the project has had so far. The evaluation will assess the expected and unexpected outcomes achieved in terms of needs, relevance and appropriateness, assess the sustainability of the outcomes and make justified and well-founded recommendations on the continuation of the programme and the necessary refinements to ensure maximum impact.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions, the evaluation will be mostly carried out through online measures, such as review of project documents and electronic materials and phone and Skype interviews with project partners and beneficiaries. The possibility for in-person meetings, focus group discussions and travels is assessed against the advice of government and health authorities in Somalia.The Consultant or Consultancy will work under the overall supervision of the Network Program Manager for Horn of Africa and East Africa with support from FCA Project Manager and Program Manager and work closely with the project focal points within Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation.

4. Scope of the evaluation and expected results

The evaluation covers the project phase I (1.4.2018-31.7.2019) and phase II (1.8.2019-30.9.2020). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the evaluation will be carried out mostly through online measures and via phone from Mogadishu, but covering all project target areas, including the five Federal Member States and Banadir region. The estimated number of working days is 20.

The evaluation will include the assessment of following aspects:

4.1. Relevance: coherence and the appropriateness of project objectives towards the identified challenges to be addressed through the project, appropriateness of the design and approach used to meet the specified goal and objectives of the project; and relevance of the project objectives to target groups and beneficiaries;

4.2. Efficiency: cost effectiveness and resource allocation to meet the stated objectives of the project, management efficiency, the efficiency of internal controls i.e. monitoring tools, work plans and internal reporting;

4.3. Effectiveness: project design as the best approach to achieving the set objectives and involvement of the beneficiaries in the project design and approach, gender balance in relation to beneficiary participation and selection, number of beneficiaries reached within the different components of the project (broken down by gender); effectiveness of capacity building and behaviour change activities and level of coordination with different stakeholders.

4.4. Impact: the effect of the project on its wider environment, and its contribution to the projects’ overall objectives, namely “Contribute to inclusive and sustainable reconciliation for a stable Somalia” (phase I) and “Strengthen inclusive, social and religious reconciliation in Somalia under the egis of the National Reconciliation Framework” (phase II), including the impact of the project on i) Strengthening institutions for restoring trust and confidence and on ii) Empowering individuals and transforming community relationship.

4.5. Sustainability :the likelihood of a continuation in the stream of benefits produced by the project, including design of the project in relation to sustainability and sustainability of project output

4.6. Additional tasks: In addition to the above, the final evaluation mission will specifically assess and evaluate the following issues: assess the approaches and systems used by the project to ensure the involvement of all the stakeholders, particularly women, youth and minorities in design, planning and implementation. The evaluation will also identify lessons learnt and give recommendations of general and specific nature which are useful to the project for the planning, preparation and implementation of in the future.

5. Methodology

The evaluator is required to submit a proposal on the methodology for the evaluation based on the evaluator’s previous expertise on evaluating peacebuilding projects and programs. The evaluation will be done through desk study and through online interaction and/or phone interviews with project beneficiaries, partners and donors and relevant staff members of FCA Somalia and the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers. The possibility to attend some of the final project activities will be assessed closer to the evaluation period in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions.

The following background materials will be made available about the project:

· The full project proposal with logical framework, the budget and amendments done

· Project bi- annual narrative reports and financial reports

· Relevant assessments and analysis produced within the project

· Activity, consultancy and monitoring and evaluation reports related to the project

· Online materials produced by the project, such as articles, videos and documentaries

· Relevant federal government policies

· FCA strategy, policies and guidelines

The proposed methodology should clearly outline the following:

i) Rationale and approach

ii) Evaluation methods utilized

iii) Evaluation questions

iv) Timetable of activities

6. Deliverables and reporting

Inception Report/Evaluation Work Plan

The Consultant/Consultancy is expected to produce an inception report and work plan within a week of the start of the consultancy. This report describes the intended approach of the Consultant/Consultancy in order to deliver the evaluation according to the objectives, including:

· The Consultant’s understanding of the context and an interpretation of the key objectives and proposal for key evaluation questions;

· The planned methodology including data collection plan and methods for quality assurance;

· Any proposed recommended revision to the ToR along with a brief justification;

· A proposed timeline within the given timeframe.

A draft and final evaluation report

A draft report of key findings, conclusions and recommendations will be made available to FCA and the Network no later than 6.9.2020. After the submission of the draft report, a debriefing will be arranged with FCA and the Network. Feedback to the draft report will be incorporated into the final report. The final report of the whole assignment will be made available latest on 30.09.2018 The final report, written in English, should not be longer than 20 pages. Copyright for the report will remain with FCA. The following sections should be included:

· Executive summary: The task, brief description of the methodology, main findings, conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations.

· Introduction: Evaluation purpose, objective, scope and main questions, the methodology used, data collection and analysis including indicators.

· Key findings: Overall progress of the implementation of the projects; impact, effectiveness, sustainability of results achieved, efficiency, relevance and compatibility; utilization of funds in the implementation of planned and unplanned activities; impact (anticipated and spin-off) of the project during the period under review.

· Conclusions: Overall performance, achieved results compared with given evaluation criteria, policy issues, etc.

· Recommendations: Key areas of modifications; recommendations for improving policy/implementation and management; recommendations to maximize the impact of the project throughout the remainder of the project cycle; recommendations with regard to the possible extension and future continuation of the program

· Lessons learned: General conclusions that are likely to have potential for wider application and use.

· Annexes: Terms of Reference, stakeholders interviewed, documents reviewed, etc.

7. Timeline

The duration of the assignment can be stretched over a period from 1st of August to 30th of September 2020. FCA’s office in Mogadishu will assist with logistics non-financially on the ground if required.






Inception meeting with FCA and the Network

August 2020

1 working day


Consultant/s, FCA/Network

Document review & preparatory study**

August 2020**

2 working days**

According to consultant’s choice**


Inception Report / Evaluation Work Plan

Within 10 days after starting assignment**

According to consultant’s choice**


Interview preparations (incl. questionnaire preparation)**

By the beginning of the interviews**

According to consultant’s choice


Interviews with relevant project stakeholders and beneficiaries ,FCA staff, and local partners

Approximately August 12-26


Consultant/s, FCA Somalia/Network

Analysis of the interviews

August 26-30

According to consultant’s choice



Draft Report**

September 6, 2020




September 11-17

1 day


Consultant/s, FCA Somalia/Network**

FCA/Network comments draft report**

By September 20th


FCA Somalia/Network**

Final report

By September 30th, 2020



8. Key competencies, technical background, and experience required

Minimum requirements for the Consultant/Consultancy

· Must be properly registered in accordance with country laws and legislation

· Must have excellent written and spoken English and Somali languages

· Must have demonstrated experience of successfully carrying out at least two development or peacebuilding project/program evaluations

In addition, the lead consultant should have:

· Advanced Degree in Political or Social Sciences or other relevant field

· Minimum of seven year work experience in one of the following areas: mediation and mediation support, reconciliation and peacebuilding, peace and security or conflict prevention and transformation

· Experience with and knowledge of programmatic conceptualization, planning, implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation of peacebuilding and development projects

· Experience and methodological expertise in evaluating interventions in the field of peacebuilding and conflict resolution; undertaking evaluations of this nature and demonstrated ability to produce professional reports.

· Extensive knowledge of the Somali context and culture, peacebuilding and reconciliation programmes in the country and good understanding of the Somalia government structure

9. Request for quotation and bids assessment

The Technical Proposal should include:

· An up-to-date curriculum vitae of the Consultant or the lead consultants of the Consultancy; (max. 3 pages/per consultant)

· A statement indicating how the qualifications and experience of the consultant/s or consultancy respond to the requirements of the tasks and make the Consultant/ Consultancy suitable for this particular assignment (max. 1 page)

· At least two references to previous evaluations on peacebuilding and development projects/programs and 3 professional references (max. 1 page)

· Proposed draft methodology and work plan for delivery of the services (max. 3 pages)

The Financial Proposal should include (expressed in US dollars):

· Total budget, including break down of daily fee and estimation of the number of required working days, VAT, travel expenses, insurance & taxes.

Evaluation criteria.

The proposals received by the tender deadline, will be evaluated based on the following criteria:


Score (weight in %)

Scoring method

Curriculum Vitae (s)


Total 6 points

  • 2 points for relevant degree
  • 2 points for sufficient work experience
  • 2 points for sufficient language skills

Statement on qualification/expertise


Total 10 points

  • 5 points experience and methodological expertise in evaluating interventions in the field of peacebuilding and conflict resolution
  • 5 points expertise on Somali context and culture, peacebuilding and reconciliation programmes in the country and good understanding of the Somalia government structure

Proposed draft methodology and work plan for delivery of the services


Total 12 points

  • 4 points for the Rationale and approach
  • 4 points for Evaluation methods utilized
  • 4 points for Evaluation questions

Financial Proposal


Total 12 points

Break down of expenses required.

Lowest bid receives full points. The other candidate scores are calculated proportionally.

MAX 100 points

12. Terms of contract

· The Consultant/Consultancy is responsible for payment of all social costs, other employment related costs and for all other liabilities of a statutory nature.

· The Consultant/Consultancy will have to abide by FCA CoC, Child Safeguarding policy and any other relevant policies.

· Copyright for the evaluation report will remain with FCA

· FCA reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to Bidders.

FCA has zero tolerance concerning aid diversion and illegal actions and may screen consultants against international lists to ensure due diligence and compliance with Anti-money laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism requirements.

How to apply

Application process:

If you meet the above qualifications and requirements and you are interested in the Consultancy, please send your technical and financial proposal and your CV to the email address by June 30th , 2020, 5.00 PM (EAT).

Please put “Project Evaluation- Mogadishu” as the subject heading.

Late, incomplete or partial bids will be rejected.

Female candidates are highly encouraged.

FCA practices zero tolerance against concerning aid diversion and illegal actions and may screen [contractor/external party name] (i.e. applicants, contracts, suppliers, consultants, etc.) against international lists to ensure due diligence and compliance with Anti-money laundering and Combating the Financing of terrorism requirements). FCA’s Child Safeguarding Policy applies to all FCA staff.

Mogadishu, Somalia
This job has expired.