Joblink Somalia


negotiable Expired 4 years ago
This job has expired.








KAALO Aid and Development (KAALO) is a community-based non-profit, humanitarian and development organization, headquartered in Garowe, Puntland in Somalia. The organization was established in October, 1991 just after the collapse of the Somali central government. KAALO is one of the humanitarians and development NGO in Somalia. The organization has been in existence for 28years with a successful record in implementing more than 200 programs and projects in both the emergency and the development sector in 9 regions of Puntland. Considering the need and the prevailing development issues in other parts of Somalia, KAALO has expanded the geographic areas of its operation and now includes South and Central Somalia. KAALO has more than 20 donors and partners, including UN agencies and international humanitarian agencies.


KAALO as a member of the BRCiS Consortium is implementing the Somali Humanitarian and Resilience Programme (2018-2022), funded by DFID. The BRCiS SHARP project, a multiyear project, overarching objective is to support and accompany vulnerable communities in Somalia on their pathways to resilience through a nutrition-sensitive, integrated and adaptive approach.


The study is a one of the key community action plan priority aimed to map out the agricultural crop market system and value chain actors for the BRCiS-II (SHARP) project to support local market by building the resilience in systematic and participatory way.

The study is also aimed to providing a detailed analysis in crop market, provide strong actionable recommendations against existing challenges that can directly contribute to the building the resilience of the value chain actors towards recurrent local shocks.

Purpose and Objectives of Study

The overall purpose of the study is to conduct Vegetable/ crop value chain analysis to provide practical recommendations and inputs to inform SHARP project to support Farmers in iskushuban District in Puntland Somalia.

Objectives of the study

  1. To map out and profile the existing vegetable /crop agricultural products in the value chain in Iskushuban districts.
  2. To Identify the key agronomic dominant practices included specific of Agricultural productions of soil and water management, pest pesticide Management, Practice of land cleaning and land use change, growing seasons and labor pattern, Quality crops/ vegetable and market standards.
  3. To analyses the characteristic of various market products with value chain and supply chain of product.
  4. Identify the limitation of market expansions and volumes available in market of various product
  5. To determine the relationship between producers, suppliers, traders, transporter other actors with Value chain
  6. To identify the different actors of value chain, systematic constraint, and value share
  7. Identify Key gaps in each actor, including Skills and support required farmers to strength their productions, access to investment/credit, transportation infrastructures, access to durable energy for cooling and irrigation, regulatory gaps, information like early warnings, and other agricultural inputs for farming groups.
  8. Examine current crop production and farming practices
  9. Identify the SWOT analysis of crop/vegetables value chain (Strength, weakness, opportunities and Threats) derived from different aspect of analysis.

Scope of the Study

To undertake the assessment of crop/vegetable value chain the following areas should be assess but not limited:

  1. the consultant will train field data collection enumerator along with practical field data collection exercises; one day for theoretical presentation and one day for practical field data collection in Garowe IDPs, to ensure the reliability and quality of the data
  2. lead field data collection team and carry out field data collection within specified duration, together with regular data checking on daily basis to avoid further reworks.
  3. The data collection will contain qualitative and quantitative from the farmer group, Local authority, state level relevant government officials especially ministry of Environment Agriculture, financial institutions, potential private sector groups, and locally (Iskushuban) operating humanitarian agencies. The qualitative data will be carried out in Iskushuban and Garowe Districts.
  4. present finding at KAALO main office, Garowe, Puntland, Somalia.
  5. Prepare draft and detailed final report incorporated with program staff inputs within the time agreed.


The methodology will include not limited to

  1. Desk Review on information of demand and supply side of agricultural product mainly domestic markets. The consultant will review relevant studies and statistics, existing government policies and strategies on agricultural production
  2. Initial Market mapping: with help of KAALO Project, draw market maps to identify the key actors and stakeholder and show the relationships.
  3. Field data collections: primary data collections will be undertaken, tools agree with KAALO will be used to collect the data and enumerators will be engaged and trained.
  4. Data processing and reporting: collected data will be analyses using statistical tools and report will be generated and workshops will be conducted to validate the finding and come up actions plans based on date collected.


  1. An inception report elaborating the methodology employed, data collection tool(s) used, and mission schedule.
  2. Detailed draft Value chain report with clear of potential markets with different actors, enabling environmental factors, market constraints, skills gaps and recommendations for best strategies to be presented to KAALO
  3. The final version of the report incorporating the inputs and comments from KAALO Programme team, the report must be drawn up in 2 copies and submitted also in soft copy (in MS word, and PDF) with graphic designed.


The duration this services 25 days including the enumerators training and field data collection exercise from 1th 25 of June 2020


· Must have minimum of 5 years of overall experience conducting baseline assessment and value chain studies for livelihoods and resilience building programs.

· At least a Degree qualification in any of the following areas Agriculture, agronomy Animal Production, agricultural economy, Social Sciences, Natural Resource Management or any other relevant degree from recognized institutions.

· Experience in similar experience the field of Agricultural value chain market development and local dynamics

How to apply


All expressions of interest should include:

a) A cover letter: A short (maximum three pages) letter addressing the ToR.

b) Technical Proposal: A brief explanation about the Consultant with particular emphasis on the previous experience in related areas; profile of the Consultant and curriculum vitae, understanding of the ToR and the task to be accomplished.

c) Financial Proposal: The financial proposal should provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees and a completed bio-data form. The proposal should also include estimates for transport cost; stationery, supplies, printing and copying. **

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Garoowe, Somalia
This job has expired.