Action title: “Wadajir” – Enhancing Durable Solutions for and Reintegration of Displacement Affected Communities in Somaliland
Location: Hargeisa and Burao Somaliland
1. Background
World Vision – WV, Norwegian Refugee Council – NRC, Concern Worldwide – CWW, Danish Refugee Council – DRC and TASCO –Taakulo Somaliland Community formed A consortium called Somaliland Durable Solutions Consortium which is being implemented a RE-INTEG programme in Burao and Hargeisa districts with WV as the lead agency. The program is being implemented in close partnership with governmental line ministries (Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Resettlement, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction), local authorities, community-level partners and additional relevant stakeholders.
The Consortium is also partnering with the Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS) to manage and develop its knowledge resources; the Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat (RMMS) to source information on migration trends; and the Regional Durable Solutions Secretariat (ReDSS) to provide capacity development among its partners on the solutions agenda in Somaliland. The goal of the project is to contribute to the creation of a conducive environment for communities in Somalia affected by displacement or mixed migration enabling them to reach durable solutions. To achieve this end, the project works towards increased access to basic services and creation of realistic livelihood opportunities in the main access areas of return and departure in Somaliland.
A labour market study conducted toward end of 2017 indicated The DACs account for 44% of graduates employed in this occupation in the two cities of which 13% are IDPs and 28% migrants from other regions. The most employable occupation recorded was the teaching/education profession accounting for 14% of the TVET graduates employed. This was followed by the languages programs that recorded 10% each for Arabic and Somali. Plumbing, Electricity and Tailoring followed with 8%, 8% and 6% respectively. Primary & Intermediate program, carpentry, mathematics, Business & Administration (including Accounting & Auditing) and English follow with percentages of between 5% to 3%. Key informants from government line ministries of Labor, Planning, Education and Resettlement, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction pointed out that electricity and electronics are key labour market demands areas amongst other industries. Based on findings on the labour survey assessment and in response to market gaps identified. These youth trainees studied various TVET and entrepreneurship courses in Hargeisa and Burao.
To assess the quality standards and relevance of TVET and entrepreneurship training courses at market place, the studyprimarily provide information on present employment rate and income level of the trained youth members which will create the basis to gauge the quality of the vocational training and perception ofthe prevailing market demands within the local market. This will contributes to key project outcome that displacement affected communities have improved access to adequate livelihood through gainful employment for youth among the other component.
The Technical Vocational Education & Training (TVET) and Learn-To-Earning entrepreneurship courses are some of the major activities of the SDSC project. The project targeted 352 youth members (180 females approximately 51%) who were selected from the four main target beneficiary groups (returnees, host communities, internally displaced people, and refugees) in Hargeisa and Burao districts. These youth members were attached to Burao Technical Institute, HAVOYOCO, SOYVO and HubRub with main objective of providing them their preferred vocational skills in their preferred areas (e.g. electronic and electricity) and business skills that were supposed to help them to get additional income to support themselves and their families. SDSC partners supported TVET youth trainees with tuition fees business startup kits, after completion of the training. On the other hand, learn-to-earn trainees also attended entrepreneurship training and received seed capitals to create their own business with mentorship and coaching of CWW project staff.
The tracer survey will be conducted in Burao and Hargeisa to measure the employment status of TVET learners from selected the respect IDPs after they had ended up in the local market for gainful employment or established their own small business startups. The study primarily provides information on present employment rate and income level of the trained youth members which will create the basis to gauge the quality of the vocational training and its relevance to the prevailing market demands within the local market
2.0 Main objective of the tracer study
The main objective of the tracer study is to track the effectiveness of TVET program in equipping displacement affected youth with the necessary skills to gainful employment
Specific Objectives
3. Scope of the study
This tracer study is planned to take place in Hargeisa and Burao districts of Somaliland, mainly in the IDP sites and host communities. The study targets total to a total of 352 youths (51% females) who were selected from the four main target beneficiary groups (returnees, host communities, internally displaced people, and refugees). 170 youth members were from Hargeisa and attended business training skills courses and 182 others were youth participants from Burao city and completed TVET courses including electricity, plumbing, tailoring and henna beautifications among others. The f four main target beneficiary groups were 3 returnees, 51 host communities, 298 internally displaced people, and 0 refugees in Hargeisa and Burao.
4. Methodology
Participatory methods are suggested whenever possible, as is the inclusion of stakeholders,
especially farmers, agricultural extension workers, school administrators etc. The stakeholders
that should be involved include the District Production Officials, primary beneficiaries OPM-
UNMA officials etc.
The tracer study methodology should employ both quantitative and qualitative methods that
include but not limited to the following:
· Secondary data and literature review
· Participatory methods
· Surveys TVET participants among others
The Consultant will be required to use a rigorous appropriate sampling design that best fits within the project’s context. Specifically, the following will be expected from the consultant:
· Description of appropriate sampling design including sample sizes for quantitative and
· Quantitative interviews’ respondents
· Clear definition of indicators as per defined indicator definitions of the results framework
· Development or adaptation of appropriate tools for data collection
· Quantitative data analysis that meet generalisation requirements
· Qualitative data analysis that meets representation requirements and a well-focused analysis plan.
5. Duration of the tracer/Timeframe
This survey is expected to start by the second week of December, 2019 and assignment days will be 15 days. Below is a draft schedule of activities
Man days
A. Preparation of the inception report and questionnaires: 3 Days
B. Training of the enumerators and piloting the tools: 2 Days
C. Field Work (Data Collection): 6 Days
D. Consultative and debriefing meetings at Hargeisa: 1 Day
E. Reporting: 3 Days
Total: 15 Days
6. Presentation of the Results/Key deliverable
The consultant is expected to produce a quality report for each project, which documents the good practices and lessons learnt; differentiating findings, conclusions and recommendations. The consolidated summary shall pull together the key findings from the tracer study, analyse them and make actionable recommendations. In addition to the reports the consultant shall submit data on methodology used, interview outlines, list of people interviewed/met, etc. Below are key deliverable expected:
a) Inception report
b) Data collection and analysis plan
c) Tracer study report (with the components you have highlighted)
d) Tracer study datasets
e) High-level summary brief of the key findings (infographics).
7. Authority and Responsibility
WV Somalia will establish tracer survey to oversee all the related tasks. The DME Manager and SDSC DME coordinator will be responsible for the overall coordination of all the survey tasks with the Consultant. In addition, the senior project coordinator , Regional Operations Manager and Quality Assurance & Strategy Manager will provide all the necessary technical and operational support required throughout the survey process.
Support from SDSC team and WV DME manager
WV Somalia will be responsible for the following:
§ Share all necessary documents to the Consultant to finalize the evaluation methodology and data collection tools
§ Provide input for evaluation study methodology, data collection tools and report.
§ Ensure that input from WV Somalia is circulated and shared with external Consultant
§ Overall accountability of the evaluation process
§ Guidance and coordination throughout all the phases of evaluation, keeping communication with external Consultant throughout all phases
§ Provide support to the evaluation technical lead (external Consultant) for the evaluation field visits processes such as orientation and training of enumerators, FGDs and KIIs
§ Closely follow up the data collection process, ensuring quality control, daily debriefing, meeting the timelines set for interview completion;
§ Inform evaluation audience for their involvement in the study and help in setting specific dates for the evaluation field schedule.
§ Provide smartphones/tablets, ODK aggregate server for data collection where required.
The Consultant will be responsible for the following:
§ Review all relevant documents for the tracer study
§ Develop evaluation study design which includes survey methodology and the data collection tools (questionnaire; focus group guides, interview protocol, data entry templates, etc.), as appropriate, including a field manual for training, in consultation with evaluation team, reflecting WV Somalia feedback on the methodology. These should be heavily based on the tools used at baseline in order to make appropriate comparisons over the life of the project
§ Designing the ODK forms, data entry template, procedures and systems, and training of entry clerks in the use of the template,
§ Develop the fieldwork schedule in consultation with tracer study team
§ Conduct training for the data collectors during field visits phase, finalize the evaluation schedule
§ Supervise the data collection process, give advice and ensure the quality of the data
§ Conduct interviews (KII) with key project staff,
§ Data analysis and report writing. It is expected that at least 2 drafts be provided to WV Somalia with feedback addressed in each round before submission of the final report
§ Provide required data that is complete and labelled in English (variables and values) for both the SPSS and Microsoft Excel file formats.
§ Provide final versions of data collection tools.
§ Provide daily field briefing to the SDSC M and E coordinator, DME Manager and senior project coordinator on progress and any challenges from the field.
8. Qualifications of the Consultant
The tracer study will be undertaken by an external Consultant who will work in close collaboration with WV Somalia DME Manager, project dedicated DME coordinator and Project Manager. Therefore, we are looking for a Consultant/team with the following skills and qualifications;
§ The team leader MUST possess at least a Master’s Degree in any of the following fields; International Development, Social Sciences, Statistics, Community Development, Development Studies, Local Government or any related field
§ Strong and documented experience in conducting participatory qualitative assessments related to livelihoods programming
§ Demonstrated experience in leading at least three similar project evaluation studies such as surveys and group interviews,
§ At least 10 years’ experience in conducting baseline/evaluations for complex projects such as education and protection, infrastructure development, livelihoods, health, water and sanitation and hygiene being implemented by non-governmental and private sector actors.
§ A solid understanding of remote learning and use of mobile technology in data collection,
§ Demonstrated experience in leading teams, training local staff in quantitative and qualitative data collection tools including entry template
§ Demonstrated experience in designing survey methodology, data collection tools, processing and analysis of data.
§ Ability to interact with host government, partners as requested by WV Somalia;
§ Strong organizational, analytical and reporting skills, presentation skills, attention to detail, ability to meet deadlines, and proficiency in SPSS or other statistical packages, Microsoft Office and qualitative data analysis software/tools.
§ Previous experience in a fragile country with tight security context will be preferred.
§ Excellent verbal and written communication in English required.
The consultant is expected to cater for own logistics (This includes air/ground travel and accommodation in Somalia). The cost of logistics should be quoted separately in the financial proposal
Application Process
All technical and financial proposals should be sent electronically to: with attachments in pdf and a subject line: Technical and Financial Proposal for SDSC Tracer survey.
The best three shortlisted candidates will be required to make an oral presentation of the technical proposal to Supply Chain and Core Project Technical team to inform the final decision on the award of the contract.
NB: Application deadline is 23rd October 2019