World Vision (WV) is relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. WV Somalia has worked with the children of Somalia, their families and communities since 1992 through a variety of emergency and rehabilitative programming to address the emergency needs of the communities while addressing some of the underlying causes of vulnerability in those same communities. Over the last 25 years, the programme has grown to over 20 districts spread over three main operational locations Puntland, Somaliland and South-Central and Jubaland with headquarters in Mogadishu, Somalia.
The strategic aim of WV Somalia is to develop and implement high quality projects that address emergency, rehabilitation and developmental needs in a demand driven and responsive manner. The overall goal of all WV Somalia is enhancing the resilient well-being of two million children and their communities by 2020.
Provision of In-patient and Out-patient Medical Insurance Cover
World Vision Somalia invites tenders from approved, experienced and registered medical insurance underwriters operating in Somalia (South West State, Puntland and Somaliland) to provide In-Patient and Out-Patient medical insurance to World Vision Somalia staff in Somalia.
The Underwriter must provide and ensure the following conditions are met:
The Technical Proposal shall provide the following information as a minimum but not limited to the below, bidders are allowed to give more information of their products:
Bidders must meet all the mandatory requirements (above) to qualify technically
Overall Scheme Cover Limit: -USD 800.00 per family per annum general OP cases
-USD 250.00 (Dental Stand Alone) per family per annum
-USD 250.00 (Optical Stand Alone) per family per annum
-USD 600.00 (Maternity Stand Alone) principal/Spouse per annum
Consultation with a General Practitioner: Covered within Outpatient Limit up to USD 30 for GP
Consultation with a Specialist upon referral by a General Practitioner up to the specialist’s charge: Covered Limit up to USD 50 for Specialist
Prescription Drugs and Dressings up to a maximum of 30 days Dosage: Covered
Gynaecological illness and Treatment: Covered
Pre-existing, chronic, cancer, Psychiatric, congenital conditions and HIV/AIDS and related treatment: Covered
Examination, Diagnostic and Treatment services by authorized General Practitioners, Specialists and Consultants: Covered
Laboratory test services carried out in the authorized facility assigned to treat the insured person: Covered
Radiology diagnostic services carried out in the authorized facility assigned to treat the insured person: Covered
MRl, CR scans and Endoscopies in case of medical non-emergency (require pre authorization): Covered
Medical expenses arising from Terrorism: Covered
Vaccines (required pre authorization): Covered
OPTICAL BENEFITS (Stand Alone-Out-patient)
Outpatient Ophthalmologists Expenses: Covered
Prescribed Frames and Lenses: Covered
Frames and lenses are limited to one pair every one year unless otherwise Medically Necessary: Covered
Medication: Covered
Contact Lenses: Covered
Visions tests for errors of refraction: Covered
Laser Correction of Eyesight: Covered
Prescribed Plano (flat)/Non degree lenses for Photophobia/Photosensitivity diseases: Covered
Dental Benefits
DENTAL BENEFITS (Stand Alone-Out-Patient)
Consultation: Covered
Medication: Covered
Tooth Extractions (Simple & Surgical): Covered
Tooth Fillings (Amalgam, Resin Plastic & Composite): Covered
Prescribed Scaling: Covered
X-rays: Covered
Root Canal Treatment (R.C.T): Covered
Crown (lf Followed by R.C.T): Covered
Dentures ( lf in the Event of An Accident): Covered
Maternity Benefits
MATERNITY BENEFITS — Principal/spouse only (stand Alone)
Out-patient Ante-natal services: Covered
ln-patient Maternity services:
a) Covered for Normal Delivery and pregnancy related
complications and for medically necessary elective and
subsequent C-section, complications and medically
necessary termination within Maternity Limits
b) All claims from pre-existing pregnancies will be payable
under the maternity benefit
New born/Neonatal conditions, Premature babies and Birth
trauma: Covered under congenital and neonatal conditions benefit.
Hospital Accommodation/Room & Board Limit: Private Standard Room Limit up to USD 100
within Inpatient Limit
ICU/CCUIHDU Limit Per Confinement; Covered
Doctor’s (Physician, Surgeon & Anaesthetist) Fees: Covered (Consultation fee limit up to USD 30 for GP and USD 50 for Specialist)
Tests, Diagnosis, Treatments and Surgeries: Covered
Prescribed Medicines and Drugs administered whilst in-patient day-care patient: Covered
Accommodation for a person accompanying an insured child up to 10 years of age, per night: Covered
Accommodation for a person accompanying an insured member in the same room in cases of medical necessity at the recommendation of the treating doctor, per night: Covered
Inpatient Physiotherapy: Covered
Day Care Surgery: Covered
Congenital infirmity and premature babies conditions: Covered up to USD 1,000 within inpatient limit per family
Psychiatric Disorders: Covered up to USD 1,000 within inpatient limit per family
Inpatient Optical Hospitalization resulting from an illness (excluding correction of refractive errors and laser treatment). This excludes outpatient optical costs and procedures e.g. frames & lenses AND Emergency Outpatient Optical Treatment by an Accident. This excludes outpatient optical costs and procedures e.g. frames & lenses. : Covered (up to USD 500 within inpatient limit per family)
Inpatient dental Hospitalization resulting from an illness. This excludes outpatient procedures e.g. braces, crowns, bridges & other prosthesis; Covered (up to USD 500 within inpatient limit per family)
Emergency Outpatient Dental Treatment by an Accident. This excludes outpatient procedures e.g. braces, crowns, bridges & other prosthesis: Covered (up to USD 500 within inpatient limit per family)
· Pre-existing Diseases, Chronic, Cancer & HIV/AIDS (subject to Disclosure/Declared of Earlier to Contract), Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy [subject to pre authorization], Newly Diagnosed HlV, Cancer and Chronic Conditions: Covered (Up to S 3,500 within the in-patient limit and Full Outpatient Limit per family)
Post Hospitalization Treatment: Covered Up to USD 200 within Inpatient Limit for a maximum of 03 Weeks after Discharge
Discharge take Home Medication: Covered – up to 30 days after Discharge
Pre-Hospitalization Services (Diagnostic & Consultation): Covered (Consultation fee limit up to USD 30 for GP and USD 50 for Specialist)
Funeral expenses (Sickness and Accident-Common Carrier Only):** Covered (up to USD 600 within inpatient limit per family)
Medical expenses arising from Terrorism: Covered within inpatient limit up to USD 4,000
Ground transportation/ Local road ambulance to hospital services in the Territorial Limits provided for medical emergency cases: Covered within inpatient Limit up to USD 40
Commercial Air Evacuation out of Somalia and Somaliland (must be pre authorized) for treatment not available or not safe to undertake locally: Covered within inpatient limit subject to landing rights at the time of evacuation.
Bids shall be subjected to evaluation as follows;
I. Compliance with Mandatory Requirements evaluation and submission of ALL requested Mandatory documents
II. Technical Evaluation-For bidders who have met the mandatory requirements (I above)
III. Financial Evaluation-Only bidders who have qualified technically (II above)
Tender documents with detailed specifications can be obtained between 9.00Am to 12.30Pm and 2.00Pm to 4.00Pm on Sunday to Thursday from any of our regional offices in Hargeisa, Garowe, Dollow, Baidoa and Mogadishu. The documents can also be downloaded from the following websites; www.reliefweb.int/jobs, https://www.alnap.org/jobs-opportunities and http://iawg-africa.org/job-vacancies.
Completed Tender documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly stated *“WVS/OT/001/FY20: PROVISION OF IN-PATIENT AND OUT-PATIENT MEDICAL INSURANCE FOR WORLD VISION SOMALIA**”*** should be addressed to:
The Secretary
Tender Committee
World Vision Somalia
The complete tender documents should be delivered to the Tender Box in the Supply Chain and Administration Department in any of World Vision Somalia Offices in
1. Hargeisa: Behind Ambassador Hotel. Hargeisa, Somaliland
2. Garowe
3. Baidoa Office: Located Off Main Road, Behind Doolow Local Authority Office
4. Dollow; Located next to UNICEF Office and opposite to Horyaal Baidoa Hotel.
5. Mogadishu-Contact Mohamed Anoy Ali. Email: Mohamed_aali@wvi.org
To be received on or before 1600hrs 26th December 2019. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of bidders or representatives who wish to witness the opening. Tender prices must remain valid for 90 days from the date of tender closing.
Each tender must be accompanied with a Bid Security of USD 10,000.00 in form of a Bank Guarantee from Dahabishil Bank only. The Bid Security must be valid for at least 120 Days from the tender closing date.
World Vision International Somalia reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and is not bound to give reasons for its decision