Joblink Somalia


negotiable Expired 5 years ago
This job has expired.




Please download the full REOI at the following link: European Committee for Training and Agriculture (“CEFA”) has received financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (“IFAD”) and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this grant to eligible payments under this contract, for which this Request for Expression of Interest is issued.

CEFA invites Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from legally constituted consulting firms and no-profit organizations (not individual consultants) to provide the consultant services referenced above. More details on these consultant services are provided in the Abridged Terms of Reference (ATOR).

This REOI is open to all eligible entities (“Consultants”) who wish to respond.

The Client intends to hire a consulting firm or a no-profit organization (the “Consultant”) to provide consulting services in the technical assessment of irrigation infrastructures for the FSSFS Project in Puntland, Somalia. The Consultant may sub-contract selected activities provided that said services do will not exceed 20% of the total consultancy work.

Location: Pre-Identified locations (60) within Bari and Nugal regions, Puntland State of Somalia

Anticipated Start Date: January 2019

Duration of Assignment: 5 months, beginning from the 1st January 2020 to the 31st May 2020

Before preparing its EOIs, the Consultant is advised to review the Abridged Terms of Reference attached hereto as Annex 1, which describes the assignment in detail, and Annex 2, which delineates how the technical qualifications of the Consultant shall be evaluated.

A firm will be selected under the Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) method in accordance with the procedures set out in the IFAD Procurement Handbook which are provided on the IFAD website (…)


Objectives of the consultancy:

The main objective of this consultancy is to define the targets of the construction/rehabilitation works envisioned by the project, as well as the proposed design for the construction/rehabilitation of the irrigation infrastructures (oases/springs rehabilitation in Bari region, and wells construction/rehabilitation in Nugal region). The construction/rehabilitation is meant to improve the irrigation infrastructures and systems in use by increasing the availability of water for irrigation, adopting climate-smart solutions, and making the use of water for irrigation more efficient and sustainable.

Scope of the consultancy:

· The preliminary assessment will cover about 60 locations within Bari and Nugal region in Puntland Somalia, which have been pre-identified by CEFA in collaboration with local stakeholders and authorities. Based on the preliminary assessment the consultant should then propose to CEFA a revised list of at least 40 locations to be targeted by the technical assessment.

· The consultant will conduct a technical assessment of the condition of the existing infrastructures in at least 40 locations within regions as well as the potential for improvement and development of new irrigation interventions. Conduct hydrological and hydrogeological assessments to determine the quality and quantity of available water resources for irrigation use in the proposed locations.

· The consultant will propose engineering design options backed up by sound technical and economic/financial analysis for all proposed alternatives so as to inform the selection of the most viable options to be carried to the detailed design stage.

· Conduct a topo survey and detailed design for the selected infrastructure development (construction and/or rehabilitation). The design should be in line with the overall project objective (i.e. increasing the availability of water for irrigation, adopting climate-smart solutions, and making the use of water for irrigation more efficient and sustainable)

· Prepare bills of quantities for the proposed interventions, engineers estimate with the most current market rates and bid/tender documents for construction of the works with detailed specifications, project layouts, and construction drawings.

Description of the Activities of the consultancy:

1. Inception stage:

· Revision of proposal and updated TOR; Review of the work plan; Development of data collection tools; Initial startup meetings and introductory meetings with relevant organizations and government agencies in the field; Desk review of secondary data and available reports; Field visit to the selected locations; Proposed list of at least 40 locations (among the ones pre-selected by CEFA) for the conduction of the technical assessment.

2. Feasibility study stage:

· Technical assessment in 40 locations among the 60 locations selected by CEFA. Conduct a survey to capture in detail the condition of existing irrigation schemes; Identify the current roles of actors involved in the management of irrigation infrastructures; Assess the capacity Water users and management committees in sustainable organization and management of irrigation schemes and other authorities using participatory tools like FGDs, Workshops, and interviews; Liaise with government agents e.g. Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Climate Change of Puntland to access the gaps in irrigation and water management sector within the identified locations; Analyze current resource use utilization (land and water) in the area intended for intervention and highlight the development limiting factors, and recommend possible interventions; Identify the irrigation needs of the target beneficiaries against the production of palm dates; Identify current irrigation systems being used by the target beneficiaries especially beneficiaries using a solar-powered drip system; identify attitude towards adoption of environmentally sustainable and climate-smart and resilient technologies and practices;

· Agro-Climate study. Conduct a survey to capture the existing agro-climate environment; Calculate specific ETo of the project areas; Calculate crop water requirements and irrigation water requirements;

· Hydrological (Water Resources) surveys. Quantify the water resource available at the various proposed abstraction point. Both surface water and groundwater; Ascertain the quality of the water from various sources and propose any interventions for improvement; Analyze the capacity of the water resources to sustain irrigation demands for the project area; Identify and delineate the current size of farmland (in hectares) under water-related infrastructures;

· Preliminary Engineering Alternatives, economic and financial analysis; Carry out a preliminary design of different alternatives for comparison where possible to be implemented within the project areas; Prepare an economic and financial analysis based on all proposed alternative engineering design options and assess project worthiness indicators; Evaluate the economic impact of the project at the farmer level (different categories of the farmers).

3. Detailed Design stage:

· The output from the feasibility study will inform the detailed designs in terms of the number of locations to be considered, the total potential acreage, irrigation system to be adopted, and sources of water. The consultant will:

Produce topographical surveys of the intended area for the selected intervention; Delineate potential irrigation areas; Prepare detailed designs for the irrigation networks (including main, distribution and tertiary networks and on-farm irrigation systems); Carryout Geotechnical surveys for the areas proposed for all major structures; Prepare engineering designs of all structures including but not limited to: pumping stations, desilting tank, reservoirs, canals /pipeline structures among other as necessitated by the design; Prepare detailed specifications and Bills of quantities for the proposed irrigation designs; Produce bid/tender documents for construction of the works with detailed specifications, project layouts and construction drawings.

Duration and Timeline of the consultancy:

The proposed duration of the contract is 5 months, beginning from January 2020 to May 2020.

Expected Deliverables of the consultancy:

Deliverable 1: Inception report

The final inception report will be expected 1 month after the commencement of the contract; the consultant will submit a draft report prior to the expiry of 1 month period to as to give CEFA adequate time to review, give comments and amendments made by the consultant. The inception report ideally will consist of: The updated proposal, methodology and data collection tools, revised work plan, background and preliminary data and findings, including a list of the locations (at least 40) to be targeted for the detailed assessment.

Deliverable 2: Draft Technical Assessment Report

This will be the expected output for the feasibility study, and it is expected to be finalized 3 months after the commencement of the contract after having been reviewed by CEFA and revisions thereof incorporated. This report will include the following sections discussed in detail: Needs assessment; Agro-Climate study; Hydrological (Water Resources) surveys; Preliminary Engineering Alternatives, economic and financial analysis. This report will inform the design options to be carried into final design and implementation

Deliverable 3: Final Technical Assessment Report

This report will be the final output of the consultancy expected to be finalized 5 months after the contract commencement date after incorporating CEFA’s comments and requests for amendments.

The report will be presented in volumes covering the following: Detailed design report and related annexes; Technical and construction drawings; Bill of quantities and Engineer’s estimate; Bid/tender documents for construction works with technical specifications

Methods of Payment and Installments

· 1st installment – 10% of the total amount will be paid upon completion of Deliverable 1

· 2nd installment – 40% of the total amount will be paid upon completion of Deliverable 2

· 3rd installment – 50% completion of Deliverable 3

Criteria for Shortlist Selection

A. General Experience

i. The organization has been in existence for 5 years

ii. The organization has implemented projects or assessments funded by international donors in the last 5 years

B. Specific Experience

i. Experience in the rehabilitation/construction of irrigation infrastructures in Somalia

ii. Experience in conducting technical assessments on irrigation infrastructures

iii. Experience in implementing projects and assessment in the Puntland State of Somalia


Submission Procedure:

Please submit your EOIs using the forms provided for this purpose at the following link:

Your EOIs should comprise one (1) original copy each of the EOI Forms, namely: EOI-1: Submission Form; EOI-2: Organization of the Consultant; EOI-3: Experience of the Consultant.

Evaluation Procedure:

CEFA will evaluate the EOIs using the criteria provided above. The Consultants (maximum of 6) that attains the highest total points (who also attain the minimum technical score required to pass) shall be shortlisted.Any request for clarification on this REOI including the ATOR should be sent via e-mail to the address provided below no later than 5.00 pm EAT of 08/11/2019 CEFA will provide responses to all clarification requests by 5.00 pm EAT of 10/11/2019

Deadline for submission:

EOIs shall be submitted no later than 5.00 pm EAT of 17/11/2019 to the address below:

CEFA Regional Office in Nairobi

General Mathenge Lane, off General Mathenge Drive

Attn: Fulvio Giberti – CEFA Project Manager

Or alternatively to the following email address:

Garoowe, Somalia
This job has expired.