Joblink Somalia

Technical Assistance – Education Sector Analysis & Education Sector Strategic Plan Development (2021 – 2025)

negotiable Expired 4 years ago
This job has expired.





The Somali Government collapsed in 1991 and since then the country experienced varying degrees of instability and conflict. All sectors in the country have been adversely affected by more than two decades of instability. The Somali provisional constitution was endorsed in 2012 marking Somalia’s slow transition and start of recovery. Since 2012, the country has witnessed a marked shift in the political landscape with the formation of the Federal Member States (FMS): Jubbaland State, South West State, Hirshabelle State, Galmudug State and Benadir Regional Administration. Together with Puntland State and Somaliland, these four Federal Member States and Benadir Regional Administration, make up Somalia’s political landscape. The challenges that Somalia faces are complex, multifaceted and differ depending on the regional and state level contexts. In 2012, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education (MOECHE) developed a basic sector plan and in 2013 the MOECHE developed the Transitional Education Sector Strategic Plan (TESSP) 2013-2015. In 2017, the MOECHE undertook a sector analysis and developed the ESSP 2018-2020. The ESSP is expiring in December 2020 and the MOECHE requires support in the development of a new sector plan.


The MOECHE is seeking a consulting firm to:

  • Undertake an education sector analysis for the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) encompassing the entire education spectrum from early childhood development, primary, secondary, higher education, non-formal and technical vocational education. The sector analysis is expected to be undertaken at the four FMS and Benadir level. FMS level ESA’s are expected to be combined into a national ESA document disaggregated by state.
  • Provide technical assistance to the MOECHE, FMS Ministries of Education (MOEs) and the Education Sector Committee (ESC) in developing the new Education Sector Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025. The consultants are expected to guide the process for identifying key priory areas specific for each state (captured in state level ESSPs) and combining this into one national ESSP document.

All work will be undertaken with the guidance of the MOECHE, FMS MOEs and ESC.

Specific tasks

The consulting firm will undertake the following (but not limited to):

For the Education Sector Analysis:

The consultants are expected to undertake sector analysis’s that are specific for each FMS – Galmudug, Hirshabelle, Jubbaland, Southwest, Benadir – showing the detailed difference/similarities of the education sector at each FMS level. The consultants are expected to deliver five education sector analysis (one for each FMS and Benadir). The following analyses are expected to be undertaken:

At each FMS level:

  • Analysis of the context of the Education Sector in terms of 1) demographic, social, humanitarian context, and 2) macroeconomic and financial context;
  • Analysis of access to education (enrolments of children, evolution of indicators, schooling profiles, etc. based on available data and information), internal efficiency (repetition, retention, etc.) and out-of-school children population (supply and demand of education, etc.);
  • Cost and financing: analyses of the evolution of public expenditures and/or external funding for education, distribution by sub-sector, contribution from households, detailed analysis on the public recurrent expenditure, analysis of unit costs by sub-sector (with the consideration of developing a unique method of analyzing cost and finances due to limited government funding);
  • Analysis of quality of education specifically focusing on system capacity and management, analysis of learning assessments, conversion of resources into results, management of teachers, etc.;
  • Analysis of equity with a focus on enrolments and learning achievements of different sub-groups and the distribution of resources;
  • Organize FMS level stakeholder consultation workshops to share the findings of the sector analysis and invite feedback from the FMS MOEs and other local stakeholders;
  • Consolidate the state level ESA’s into one national ESA disaggregated by state. The final document is expected to be provided in the Somali and English languages.

At the FGS level:

  • Assist the MOECHE in assessing the current ESSP, including strengths and accomplishments as an input to the FMS level sector analysis as well as guidance for the new ESSP;
  • Organize stakeholder consultation workshops to share the findings of the sector analysis and invite feedback from the ESC members prior to finalization.

For developing the ESSP 2021-2025:

The consultants are expected to provide assistance to the MOECHE, FMS MOEs and the ESC in developing the ESSP 2021-2025 based on the FMS level sector analysis. The ESSP is expected to reflect the different contexts/priority areas of each FMS. The consultants are expected to undertake the following:

  • Under the leadership of MOECHE, assist the FMS MOEs to identify key priority areas specific for each state. The identified priorities, strategies and activities are expected to be captured in a state level ESSP for the four FMS states and Benadir.
  • Develop an Education Simulation Model – to be used as a costing tool;
  • Develop a realistic Action Plan for the state level ESSPs.
  • Facilitate stakeholder consultations (MOECHE, ESC members, FMS, ESC members, donors, cluster partners, civil society groups, etc.) on the draft state level ESSPs;
  • Propose options for MOECHE in ways to overcome the challenge of data and financial gaps and develop a clear data and financial strategy.
  • Combine and consolidate the state level ESSPs into one national ESSP document for Somalia. The final document is expected to be provided in the Somali and English languages.
  • Develop a detailed capacity building plan for FMS and FGS technical working group members.

Scope of the Work

The bulk of the work will be done at the Federal Member State level (Galmudug, Hirshabelle, Jubbaland, Southwest and Mogadishu). The consultants are expected to conduct work at the FMS level and some members of the team are expected to have the ability to freely travel to the FMS and Mogadishu. **


  • Inception report/detailed work plan;
  • Monthly activity memo;
  • Draft Sector Analysis Report (four FMS and Benadir);
  • Final Sector Analysis Report (four FMS and Benadir);
  • Power Point Presentation of the key state level ESA findings and ESSP development process;
  • Education simulation model for the costing of the ESSP;
  • Draft state level ESSPs (including the multi-year implementation/action plan for four FMS and Benadir);
  • Final state level ESSPs (including the multi-year implementation/action plan for four FMS and Benadir) in English and Somali;
  • Draft national level ESSP (consolidating state level ESSPs into one national document);
  • Final national level ESSP (consolidating state level ESSPs into one national document) in English and Somali.


  • Consulting firm – Guides the entire process and take responsibility for producing the requested deliverables;
  • MOECHE – Takes the lead for the entire process and provides any information/support that is required to the consultant(s) that would help in completing the work successfully (including establishment of a working modality; e.g. set-up a steering committee, technical working group, etc.);
  • FMS MOEs: Takes the lead at the FMS level and provides any information/support that is required to complete the work successfully (including establishment of a working modality; e.g. set-up a steering committee, technical working group, etc.);
  • Education stakeholders – to jointly work with the MOECHE and FMS MOEs to own the ESSP development process including providing feedback/information in a timely manner;
  • Save the Children – Management of contract, monitoring and technical quality assurance.


The contract is expected to run for a period of 12 months from 1st May 2020 to 1st April 2021. Consultants are expected to conduct the ESA from May to August 2020 and the ESSP development from August 2020 to April 2021. The final ESSP documents are to be submitted no later than 1st April 2021.

Reporting, Supervision, and other Arrangements

An institutional contract will be made between the selected consulting firm and Save the Children Somalia. The consulting firm will work closely with the MOECHE, FMS MOEs and the ESC. The overall management of this consultancy is with Save the Children Somalia and the MOECHE. Communication among the related parties (i.e. consulting firm, MOECHE, ESC, and Save the Children) are to be conducted in a transparent and consultative manner.

Qualifications and Experience: The proposed consulting team should include staff members with below competencies

  • At least Master’s Degree in Education, Education Policy & Planning, Education Economics or any relevant field with at least ten (10) years’ professional experience, as appropriate to the role they are assigned within the team;
  • Specific experience and knowledge in the area of education research and data analysis, please attach previous signed and stamped contracts as evidence
  • Has prior experience in undertaking education sector plan particularly in fragile contexts;
  • Knowledge of the education sector in post-conflict contexts;
  • Prior experience of working in Somalia is a must for the lead consultant;
  • Ability to work effectively with government and donor counterparts;
  • Proven ability in preparing reports in English and Somali;
  • Deliver assignments timely and ensure good quality of work;
  • Experience in developing Financial Simulation Models;
  • Inclusion of both international and national team members is a must. Ability of the national team members to freely travel in Somalia and across the FMS is critical.

Only firms can apply. Individual applications will not be accepted.

Responsibility for Logistics arrangements and Costs

SCI will pay a lumpsum for the consultancy and consultants are responsible for their own logistics arrangement. No perdiem will be paid by SCI.

Taxation Provisions

Consultant shall be responsible for all Taxes arising from the consultancy in line with the local Tax regulations applicable at the SCI contracting office named above.

Travel requirements

The consultant will be required to travel to Somalia during the consultancy activities. And will able to visit fedral member states; Jubbaland State, South West State, Hirshabelle State, Galmudug State and Benadir Regional Administration Puntland and Somaliland.

Security requirements

Consultant will comply with standard Save the Children Security procedures, including the completion of SCI online security training prior to travel to Somalia

How to apply

Interested consultants should submit their applications via email to ( with the subject line of “Education Sector Analysis & Development of an Education Sector Strategic Plan (2021 – 2025).”

The applications should be submitted in PDF format as one document comprising Technical and Financial sections as detailed below.

a) Technical proposal – including but not limited to :**

  • Consultants understanding of the assignment and context
  • Approach to the assignment
  • Methodology
  • Tools
  • Deliverables
  • Workplan
  • Key staff biodata

b) Financial proposal – providing a breakdown of all charges related to the assignment.**

Applicants should also indicate the date they are available to start working on the consultancy

All applications MUST be submitted on or before 30th April 2020 to be considered for the assignment.

Shortlisted candidates will be requested for an interview.

This job has expired.