Joblink Somalia


negotiable Expired 5 years ago
This job has expired.








Employer: Action Africa Help international- Somalia

Deadline for applications: 19/02/2020

Type of Contract: Short Term consultancy

Duration of Consultancy: 10 days

Expected Start and End Date: 25 February-5th March, 2020

Deadline to submit final report: 5th March, 2020

Location: Elwak District-Gedo region.

1.0: Introduction

Action Africa Help International (AAH-I) is a regional not for profit humanitarian and development organization with a mission of improving the quality of life of livelihood challenged communities. AAH-I has country Programs in Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Djibouti and Ethiopia. AAH-Somalia, an affiliate Country Program of AAH-I, addresses development challenges in partnership with marginalized communities. AAH-Somalia supports integrated social and economic interventions to improve food and nutrition status of the communities in Elwak district-Gedo region.

2.0: Consultancy background

Elwak, (“Ceelwaaq” as it is known in Somali) is a divided town on the Somalia-Kenya border. The Somalia portion is located in the southwestern Gedo region, where it is the seat of one of the region’s seven districts. Most of the local population are pastoralists, and also engage in small business and trade.

The worsening dry conditions have resulted in deteriorating pasture and water availability for crop and livestock production, compounding an already fragile humanitarian situation. Critical water shortages and a rapid decline in the remaining water reservoirs continue to impact on the livelihood of the communities in Elwak District. The main water sources are permanent shallow wells, seasonal rain fed water catchments, boreholes and rain harvest water mainly among the better off and middle households who can afford a storage facility.

The few water sources available cannot meet the high demand for this precious commodity by both animals and human beings. Most of the existing shallow wells lack water storage facilities especially in Barwaqo, and Deka villages. These sources have been adversely affected due to the prolonged drought thus resulting in increased water fetching time, distances to water points, reduced uses of water at household level etc. Therefore in consultation with the communities in Barwaqo and Deka villages, AAH- Somalia intends to rehabilitate two shallow wells, one in each village. The identified units will provide water for establishment of vegetable gardens through use of basic irrigation techniques.

3.0: Purpose and objective of the consultancy

The main aim is to develop an appropriate water and sanitation system that contributes to meeting the current and future water needs of the Deka and Baraqwa villages. The consultancy is to conduct a technical assessment to identify the ideal location for development of water points and recommend at least two (2). The firm should provide the appropriate technology for the kitchen garden and livestock use including water yield and quality tests. The consultancy is expected to conduct the following:

  1. Geophysical survey – carry out the survey at four sites (two for each community) and prioritize two location in consultation with the community.
  2. Assess the current conditions and yielding capacity of the two shallow wells in Barwaqo and Deka villages.
  3. Recommend the appropriate rehabilitation approach to be adopted based on the technical findings on the shallow wells
  4. Conduct quality testing of the water from the two shallow wells to assess its suitability for human consumption and or supporting kitchen gardens activities.
  5. Develop a comprehensive report on the status of each facility and provide BBQ for the recommended infrastructure

Note:Theconsultant will work in consultation with thecommunity committeestoensure that the identified sites* are within the homestead for kitchen gardens water supply and 500 *metres from where at least 80% of people of that village live for community water supply**. The site should definitely not be in a place that gets flooded in the rainy season and should be away from the flood plain area of any streams or rivers in the locality. Special care must be taken to ensure that the sites chosen for facility can be fitted with hand pumps and are at least 50 meters away from toilet pits, septic tanks or any other sources of pollution such as grave yards, dumping sites for industrial waste, stagnant pools of dirty water or animal* *pens.

4.0: Expected outputs/ deliverables**

The consultancy envisages the following deliverables within 10 days:


Deliverable Item

No. of days

Expected deliverable

  1. Desk review


Inception report

  1. Field visit and meeting with community leaders at the identified facilities


Field visit report

  1. Survey and assessment of the current conditions of the 4 shallow wells and development of report


Draft report with design and Bill Of Quantities

  1. Disseminate the findings to the stakeholders at Elwak


Stakeholders forum report

  1. Submission of final Report (2 bound hard copies, soft copy).


Approved final report

5.0: Required Qualifications, competencies and Skills

The minimum requirements for the firm / consultant should include the following:

  1. Preferably be a civil engineer or hydrologist, having a bachelor’s degree
  2. At least 5 years’ experience with proven track record and experience in conducting water supply and sanitation sector infrastructure development and management
  3. Specific experience with water supply and sanitation planning, water conservation and demand management is required, including design of water supply and sanitation system components.
  4. Ability to write technical reports and to present ideas and concepts to various audiences.
  5. Good communication skills in English and an understanding of local language will be an added advantage

6.0: Bid requirements

Firms/Consultant(s) that meet the requirements should submit an expression of interest (maximum of 5 pages), which should include the following:

  1. A suitability statement, including commitment to be available for the entire assignment.
  2. A brief statement on the understanding of the terms of reference, proposed survey methodology and approach and a detailed work plan.
  3. A detailed financial proposal, including daily rates.
  4. Updated resume of key consultants (at most two) that clearly spells out their roles, qualifications, experience and time allocation
  5. Contacts of 3 organizations that have recently (but preferably in the last 2 years) contracted the firm/consultant(s) to carry out relevant surveys or related work.
  6. If it’s a firm, must be registered within the laws of the practicing country.


7.0: How to apply

Applications should be sent to with the assignment title in the subject line of the email on or before 19/02/2020.

This job has expired.